PSSNY Academies
Standing Academies of the Society
Below are official Standing Academies of the Pharmacists Society of the State of New York according to the Constitution & ByLaws Article VII: Standing Committees & Academies C, Section 1, 2 & 3
Academy of New Practitioners:
Purpose: Such academy shall provide a forum for pharmacists who have graduated within the past 5 years to network with one another, as well as with their more experienced peers. The committee shall coordinate events, recruit new practitioners to become members, and encourage new practitioners to become involved in PSSNY Committees and Affiliates.
Academy of Independent Owner Pharmacists (AIOP):
Such Academy shall be open to any PSSNY member who is actively engaged or has a specific interest in independent pharmacy practice ownership, management or employment. Join this group here!
Academy of Consultant Pharmacists (ACP):
Such Academy shall be open to any PSSNY member who is actively engaged in or interested in consultant pharmacy practice. This Academy is designed for full or part-time consultant pharmacists working with nursing homes, hospitals, home health care, hospices, clinic pharmacies, and mental health/mental retardation facilities. Join this group here!
Academy of Pharmacy Management (APM):
Such Academy shall be to provide interested PSSNY active and associate members with up-to-date information and continuing education programs on financial, personnel, inventory and general business management, employee development and retention training, pharmacy operations analysis programs, as well as, details of laws and regulations affecting the business of pharmacy practice. Join this group here!
Academy of Employee Pharmacists (AEP):
Such Academy shall serve and represent employee pharmacists in all practice settings, working to improve employer/employee relations. Join this group here!
Academy of Pharmacy College Academicians (ACPA):
Such Academy shall serve and represent PSSNY members who are actively engaged, full or part-time, or are interested in pharmacy college administration, teaching, pharmacy curricula, continuing education, etc. Members will develop continuing education programs of interest to Academy members, as well as, provide input into legislative or regulatory issues that will have an impact on the provision of pharmacy education. Join this group here!
Academy of Clinical Pharmacists (ACLP):
Such Academy shall serve and represent PSSNY members who are actively engaged or are interested in practicing pharmacy in a clinical setting such as hospitals, managed care companies, etc. The ACLP's services are specifically aimed at the needs of institutional practitioners such as: specialized continuing education programs, as well as, the opportunity to network with other institutional pharmacists, etc. Join this group here!
Academy of Pharmacy Students (APS):
Such Academy shall be open to all PSSNY student members and shall be designed to promote the professional and economic future of pharmacy students by providing forums to discuss issues and to learn about the profession. This academy will provide for a positive interaction with other students and pharmacists; professional placement through classified ads in the PSSNY Journal and valuable continuing education classes. Join this group here!
Academy of Manufacturer Representatives (AMR):
Such Academy shall be open to all PSSNY Associate members and is designed to enhance communications between pharmacists and manufacturer representatives and to provide input into organizational and legislative aspects of the profession of pharmacy. This academy shall be designed to allow representatives to become more actively involved with the State and Local pharmacy associations. Members must be a representative of a company involved in the selling or supplying of pharmaceuticals or pharmaceutical products. Join this group here!
Academy of Retired Pharmacists (ARP):
Such Academy shall be designed to meet the special needs of PSSNY's retired pharmacists or individual's that are planning their retirement in the near future. In addition, this academy will provide a pool of experienced pharmacists who can share their expertise with younger pharmacists and the State Society. Join this group now!
This academy is designed to serve the special interest needs of pharmacists and others actively engaged or interested in enteral and infusion therapy, and/or nuclear pharmacy. This academy will focus its energies on the role of home care pharmacists to maintain and expand utilization of the pharmacist's professional services; provide the focal point and expertise for PSSNY to concentrate on issues related to reimbursement and regulation; work with the State Board of Pharmacy; Medicaid and Medicare, as well as, private payers and develop specialty continuing education for pharmacists and supportive personnel engaged in home infusion therapy and nuclear pharmacy. Join this group now!
Academy of Pharmacy Technicians (APT):
Such Academy shall be designed for the special interest needs of Pharmacy Technician Associate Members. This Academy shall focus its energies on the role of the Pharmacy Technician in pharmacy and any special training needs they may require. Join this group now!
[Section 2 Active members of the Society shall be entitled to one (1) complementary Academy membership. Should a member request to belong to more than one Academy, a fee of $30.00 shall be assessed for each additional Academy membership.]
[Section 3 Society Academies shall be entitled to two (2) votes in the House of Delegates in accordance to the PSSNY Constitution, Article 6, Section 6 c). (Adopted, 1997)]